What do libraries put on Facebook anyway?
By way of comedy, current events, libraries share special community interest content in the hopes of keeping their patrons connected & informed. Here you will find some examples of how libraries use social media content to inspire & inform their local communities. Comedy The Himmel Park Library uses humor and familiar library features to create funny videos & memes that are immediately relevant to the local community! On the left, you see a gif that staff created of froggy's emergency surgery. Froggy is a resident stuffed frog at the library, and is a friend & regular feature to just about everyone that walks through the library's doors. By keeping us op to date on froggy's condition in this hilarious manner, this kind of content makes viewers feel involved and invested in that location and the community it creates. Froggy is not the only stuffed resident of the library that patrons can befriend and keep up with on Facebook - a whole fleet of bunnies...